Renowned for their pan- African presence and with a reputation for delivering world-class Digital CustorT Experience and Technology Services, DSC’s impact sourcing solution, in partnership with the Maharishi Institute drives the education and skills development of South Africa’s youth workforce while simultaneol reduchg youth unemployment, a glaring concern in the country and even more so in a post-pandemic economic climate. OSG in partnership With the Maharishi Institute, the first virtually free university in South Africa and NPO, offers an integrated Customer Experience, which seeks to drive consistent, unique, and differentiated customer experiences across complex channels. With a proven track record and industry recognised approach to managing a 24/7 x 365 contact centre, this unique solution in the management Of people, processes and technologies ensures that we remain effective while offering flexible operating models including an occupied hour approach. This pioneering and collaborative expansion between Digital Solutions Group (OSG) and the Maharishi Institute has resulted in a joint venture and impact sourcing solution that supports Black-Economic Empowerment, addresses youth unemployment, affordable education socio-economic upliftment and relevant skills taught to thousands of underprivileged Black South African Youths.